torek, 8. september 2015

Rape – is it really »normal« for it to happen?

Posilstvo - je to res normalno kar se dogaja ?! 

Posilstvo oz. ena izmed tabu tema 21. Stoletja o kateri se premalo govori. Slišati je le veliko izjav, podobnih tej: »Kaj se bom pogovarjala o tem, to se meni itak ne more zgoditi?« Dekleta pa ste prepričane v to? Morda bi bilo bolje, da pomislite še enkrat. Tudi sama sem bila vedno mnenja, to se mi ne more zgoditi, to se v Sloveniji ne dogaja, to vidimo samo v hollywoodskih filmih in podobno, resnica pa je žal daleč daleč od tega. Posilstvo se lahko zgodi vsepovsod, v lokalih, na cesti, na morju, tudi doma (ja tudi če imate z partnerjem spolni odnos katerega ne želite in ga on izvede » na silo » se to smatra kot posilstvo!). Drži se tega: Nihče te ne sme prisiliti v dejanja katera ne želiš, ne glede na to kdo je ta oseba! Življenje je samo in zgolj tvoje! V šoli in nasplošno vsepovsod je premalo govora o tem in se punce preprosto ne zavedajo kaj jih lahko doleti ravno takrat, ko bi to najmanj pričakovale in po vseh možnostih celo od osebe od katere nikoli ne bi pričakovale tega.Glede na tiste statistične podatke, ki jih imamo je posilstvo zelo pogosto KAZNIVO DEJANJE. V veliko primerih se zgodi iz strani starejših moških nad puncami, ki se same niso sposobne braniti pred takimi, pa tudi če se žal to ravno ne pomaga, včasih pa je žal zravn tudi tako imenovana »posiljevalska droga« , ki jo lahko nevede zaužijete na kakšni divji zabavi, ko se tega niti ne zavedate, rezult tega pa je žal v 90% primerov neželjen spolni odnos oz. posilstvo. Vendar gledano iz psihološkega vidika žrtve tega nikoli v življenju nikomur ne povejo, veliko se jih po travmatičnem dogodku zapre vase in pade globoko v brezno depresije ali pa si celo vzame svoje življenje. Za posilstvo je značilno da moški želi pokazati svojo moč in prevlado nad žensko, katere ne more imeti oz. si dekle spolnega odnosa z njim preprosto ne želi. Vsaka ima pravico reči NE in to naj bi vsak normalni moški upošteval. Takih moških je žal vedno več, obnašajo se normalno, zapeljejo dekle potem pa na tak in drugačen način dosežejo svoj namen.

Ampak sprašujem se zakaj ?! Vsaka ženska ima pravico do lastne odločitve kaj si želi v življenju in česar ne. Vsaka ima svoja čustva, svoje želje in potrebe, nismo manj vredne od vas moških in zato si ne zaslužimo, da z nami delate kar si želite, NIKAKOR ! Ko pišem to objavo mi po glavi roji 1000 in ena stvar. Spolni napadi oz. posilstva se žal dogajajo vsak dan okoli nas, vendar to sami ne opazimo, dokler sami tega ne doživimo. Ja tudi SAMA sem bila posiljena in to s strani osebe od katere nebi NIKOLI pričakovala kaj takšnega in o tem mi ni težko govoriti, ker prva stvar da greš naprej čez tako travmatično izkušnjo je da spregovoriš na glas, poveš ljudem, ki jim zaupaš, najbolj pametna stvar pa je da to osebo prijaviš ne glede na vse! Take stvari se žal nikoli ne bo dalo povsem ustaviti ampak zmanjšamo pa lahko številke. Žalostno je, da kar 90% posilstev ni prijavljenih policiji, ženske niste same, ista oseba lahko ponovi isto stvar še pri kateri drugi, dajmo si pomagat pa ustavit take.Nobena ženska na tem svetu ni vredna da prestaja take travmatične izkušnje, nikoli in nikdar, vsaj ne namerno. Moški pomislite malo še na ženske, ne da mislite samo na svoje egoistične riti (nekatere izjeme so izvzete) , dokazujte svojo prevlado kako drugače ne pa da tako rečeno napadete žensko, jo posilite in po možnosti še pretepete ?! Niste carji,legende al kakorkoli se sami poimenujete, daaaaleč od tega.. strahopetci ste in ne prenesete zavrnitve od dekleta (Žal ne more biti vedno vsaka vaša!) Kaj bi si mislile vaše mame, če bi to izvedele ? Verjetno ne bi bile ponosne na vas ?! Dekle s takimi dejanji odvrnete od sebe in žal še od ostalih moških, ker izgubi zaupanje v vse. In kako opravičujejo moški to dejanje: »Sama si hotela.« Ja seveda čakala sem na to da boš to naredil sajres, pamet v glavo fantje, ŽENSKA NIKOLI IN NIKDAR NE BO SAMA KRIVA DA SO JO POSILILI !! ali pa »Nisem se mogel zadržati.« No vsaka stvar ima neke meje, žal vedno ne moraš dobiti stvari, ki si jo želiš. Preprost primer: Že dolgo si želiš avto ampak si ga ne moraš privoščiti, torej ga boš ukradel? Neboš, kar ti lahko da vedeti če te ženska noče, pusti jo, nerabiš ji uničit življenja s svojim dejanjem ! Kaj če dekle zanosi med takim spolnim odnosom, želiš celo življenje nositi na vesti to, da si je vzela življenje zaradi tebe, ker ni vedela kaj naj stori ? Ali pa da je naredila splav in tako ubila otroka, ker ni mogla prenesti da bi mu bil oče posiljevalec ?

 Mislim da si nihče pri zdravi pameti ne bi želel tega. Polagam vam na srce drage moje, pazite nase, spregovorite o temu naj vas ne bo strah in nikoli ne pustite da bi moški dokazoval svojo moč nad vami, čimbolj stran od takih (tudi uredu moški obstajajo). Posilstvo pri ženski povzroča šok, sram, strah, občutek umazanosti, nakoncu sama sebe ne maraš več (tako se trenutno počutim tudi sama). Zaradi same »teže« dejanja so posledice premagovanja te travmatične in predvsem NEPOTREBNE izkušnje, je »okrevanje« lahko dolgotrajno in težko, če misliš da sama nemoreš premagati tega se obrni na ustanove, ki pomagajo žrtvam spolnega nasilja.Pogosto je da se zlorabljeni počutijo krive, ker jih storilec pripravi do tega da se tako počutijo. Da pa objavi dodam še nek konec. Posilstvo se lahko zgodi prav tako moškim kot ženskam, vendar sem se v tej objavi posvetila predvsem težavi ženske, ker zadnje čase slišim toliko zgodb ter iz lastnih izkušenj se mi to ne zdi niti malo normalno ! Še enkrat: Kar se bo dogajalo s tvojim odločaš samo TI !!

-with love-



Rape – is it really »normal« for it to happen?

Rape, also known as a sensitive theme or Tabu theme of the 21. Century, needs to be discussed more and taken seriously. The only thing we really hear about is people saying things like: »Why should I talk about in and try to understand it when it obviously can't happen to me?«. Ladies,… are you really sure about that? Maybe it's for the best to think this through. Even I had doubts that that could someday happen to me too. I was in delusion about it and thinking about how something like that can absolutely not happen in Slovenia; only in Hollywood, but the thing is – it can happen to anyone all over the world and not just women. Rape can occur anytime, anywhere and by anyone. It can happen in a bar, on the streets, on the beach, even in the safety of our own home. Even your own partner can cause it by force – yes that counts as rape too believe it or not. Stick to this: No one is allowed to force you in to something you're not comfortable with no matter who that person may be! You live your own life and you get to decide what you want to do with it, not them!

In school and basically everywhere else there's way too little discussion about this sensitive subject and people are pretty much not aware what can happen to them especially when they least expect it and the rapist could be a person they never thought could do something so vile to them, yet alone if the person was someone they trusted. Based on the statistical information that we have, rape is in most cases a CRIME. In most occasions the people that cause it are older individuals, mostly men that prey on young girls because they are an easy target and can't fight back, especially if a rookie (party rape drug) is involved. You can get this at various clubs and parties and the outcome of it is in 90% cases not wanted sexual interaction A.K.A. rape. Despite all of this and the victims psychology view, they never really tell anyone about it in fear of being judged and humiliated even more than they already feel like. Most victims tend to keep to themselves after this tragic and traumatic event, most of them even fall down the pits of depression because if it, some even take their own life. When the rapist is male, he tends to express his power and dominance over his victim, and when he hears the word »no« he still goes in to it because he simply doesn't understand the meaning of this word. He tends to get upset over rejection and can't handle it, leading to rape. What every normal man individual understands clearly, the rapist doesn't take to acknowledgement because it's not up to their expectations and desire. But the thing that I'm asking myself is: »Why?!« Every woman has the right to make their own decisions in what she wants in life and what she doesn't. Every woman has her needs and emotions, we are NOT sexual objects that men can take for their advantage and take what they like. NOT IN ANY WAY!

As I'm writing this post, one too many thoughts are running through my mind. Sexual assaults are sadly taking place every day all around us, even if we don't notice it until we get to experiance it ourselves. Even I am the victim of rape. I got to experience this traumatic thing and the person who caused it was someone I NEVER expected it from and it's extremely hard for me to talk about this, but the right thing to do is to move on from it. You tell this to the people you trust, who know how to listen to you. The smartest thing to do is to let people know who did it and report the rapist no matter what! Unfortunately, things like rape are never gonna be fully preventable but the numbers of victims CAN decrease. More than 90 %  of rape crimes are not reported or not taken completely seriously. A rapist can do this to other people too if not reported and taken to custody. Help us stop them for good. No one deserves to go trought all these traumatic experiences, ever. Not on purpose. Men, think about womens feelings for once, don't thing only on your own egotistic ass ( this goes only for rapists). Express your dominance in a different way and do NOT attack an inocent woman for it. Have some respect and control your needs. You are NOT a »legend« or »cool« for doing it. You are COWARDS who can't take rejection well, who don't understand that wen a woman says no she means NO. A woman does not belong to you. We are not your objects. You don't own us. What would your dear mother think if she knew what you did? She shurely wouldn't be proud at all.
You are not doing anything right with rape. You take away a woman's trust in you and other men that might actually be really respectful to them and not just pretend. Get it trough your narrow minded head that no woman is »Asking for it«. Yeah sure, I was waiting for you to do it, I really did! That's all I ever wanted! (Note sarcasm).

Get it together…a woman will NEVER BE and NEVER WAS the one at fault that she was raped. It was NOT her fault that she got raped, it was YOU, the one who committed this crime A.K.A. the RAPIST. Don't you even dare to say »Oh, I couldn't help myself«. That's the same thing as saying »Oh, I really want this car but I can't afford it so I might as well steal it«. Guess what? You wouldn't steal a car so why don't you just leave women alone and try to not ruin her life and your life in the process. What if you got that girl pregnant and she doesn't know how to cope with it? What if she takes her life and the unborn kids life with it? Do you want to be haunted by your dumb actions for the rest of your life? Mostly women have abortions because they can't live with the fact that that kid's dad is a rapist. I'm pretty sure that no one in the right mind would want that to happen.Ladies, take care of yourselves, speak about it and don't be scared. Never allow men to take advantage of you. Stay away from men like that and allow nice men in your lives because they still exist. Not all men are egotistical assholes ;)

Rape causes shock, embarrassment and the feeling of dirtiness in women. In the end you don't like yourself anymore because of it (I am currently feeling like that myself). Because of this »weight« that sits on my shoulders, I am recovering from this traumatic-NOT DESIREABLE experiance really slowly.If you think you can't recover yourself, please turn to organizations who are willing to help rape victims. It's extremely rare for the victim to feel guilt because the rapist is making them feel that way.To end this post, rape can happen to anyone – male or female, but I chose to write about the female victims in it, because of the amount of stories I was hearing and because of my personal experiences. This isn't normal at all. I repeat: What happens to your life is in your hands and YOU are the only one who decides what happens to it.

-with love-


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